Thursday, May 26, 2011

World Of Warcraft!

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a internet based computer game. WoW is fun because you can interact with other players. You can also create a character and choose which side you want to be on. The Horde is bad side and the Alliance which is good. The Alliance contains Human, Dwarf, Worgon, Gnome, Drenai and night elves. You can be one of these if you chose the Alliance. The Horde contains Orcs, Tuaren, Undead, blood elves and goblins. You can be one of these if you chose Horde. You can also grow your character levels - you start out at level 1. When you quest you can grow levels. At level 10 you chose a talent tree. As you grow levels you add more points to your talent tree. You can also learn new moves and professions like fishing, first aid, cooking, mining, blacksmithing, archeology, engineering and skinning. When you create a character you chose what class you want to be such as a Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, Mage, Hunter, Druid and death knight.

My first character is Marcher who is level 83. He is an arms warrior. I trained him in blacksmithing, mining, first aid, fishing and cooking.

(The Humans live in Stormwind, Dwarfs live in Ironforge, Gnomes live in Gnomeregan, Drenai live in Exodar, Knight Elves live in Darnassus and Worgon live in Gilneas.

This is a picture of Me (on left, Exumus character) with my friend's character (on right, Mythunder)!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Scouts Visit Fire and Police Stations

We visited the fire station with our scout troop. We saw the kitchen where the firemen ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. We also went inside the fire truck, the ambulance and saw the computers that they use to track down fires. We all sprayed the fire hose.

Sgt. Dan took us on the tour!

Sebastian, Charlie, Sam, George, Ethan, Me, Adam, Caleb, Max, Will and Tommy

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is me, my dad and my sister doing karate in our basement. we are working on a kata called Fukyugata Ich. This is the first kata in Shorinryu karate. I earned my first belt it is yellow with a white line. Here is a video of me doing my first test in front a panel of black belts!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I was in the newspaper!

We were looking at buildings downtown and a photographer wanted to know what we were doing. He took our picture and it was in the newspaper.