Wednesday, February 6, 2013

David and Saul

After Saul had been annointed king of Israel, Samuel came to him and told him that God wanted him to destroy all of the Amalekites because they had attacked the Israelites after they had left Egypt. Saul took his army's and attacked them and killed all of the Amalekites, but he kept the strongest men to work in the fields and took the best livestock. The next day Samuel went to Saul and asked him why he had disobeyed God's command. Then Samuel told him that God will take away the kingdom because he had disobeyed.  As Samuel was leaving, Saul grabbed his robe and it tore. Samuel turned and said "as you have ripped the cloth from my robe, God will rip the kingdom from you and will find another that is better than you from the family of Jesse." Later Samuel went to the house of Jesse to find a new king for Israel. When he got there Jesse called his sons to Samuel but God said to Samuel that none of these men were to be king of Israel. Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons and Jesse said that there was one more but he was tending to the sheep and Samuel said to go and get him. When David had come God said to Samuel that David  was to be king of Israel, Samuel took some oil and poured it on David's head and annointed him king of Israel.

I found a lego video of king David and Saul. I hope you enjoy it!

The person who made this video, has more on his website:


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